


Hull & Deck Hardware


Wichard Folding Pad Eyes


Wichard Folding Pad Eyes

These are the original Wichard stainless steel Folding Pad Eyes, hot dropped forged from a single piece of stainless steel, adding strength and consistency of manufacture for total security and reliability. (Inferior cast copies can often contain hidden defects such as casting bubbles leading to unpredictable and sudden breakages below their published loads).

Wichard Folding Pad Eyes are highly polished and manufactured in corrosion resistant, marine grade AISI 316 A4 stainless steel or Titanium, they are extremely strong with break loads from 1,600kg up to 9,000kg.

Conforming to ISO 15085 these pad eyes fold flat when not in use avoiding trip hazards and are particularly versatile for marine and industrial fastening applications where outstanding strength is required. Highly recommended for lifeline jackstays, harness tether fastening points and removable stays. Available in single or double versions.

contact us

Proboat Ltd
Burnham Business Park,
Burnham - on - Crouch,

Phone - +44 (0)1621-785455
E mail - info@proboat.co.uk



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